Current Progress:
Hey all!
I’ve just finished my rough draft of the manuscript for Nightfall. Currently, I’m going through the first rounds of editing, but it’s going to take a good few months of polishing this book up in order to prepare it for a full release. In any case, if all goes well then it should be out sometime around October 2025 this year. While waiting for this novel to go through its edits, I’ll start on the companion novel. Currently I’ve got around three core books and three companion novels planned for the Ashborne series. I tend to love the Third Person Limited POV so rather than jumping around in five different perspectives, I think it would be fun to give some of the side characters their own fully fleshed out arcs and development in companion novels. In any case, I do hope you all enjoy!
I do plan to do some early pre-launch sales and specially bound books if I can find a local company that will do the design that I want for the hardback. I’ll update you guys here once I’m sure of when and where that will be.
Thanks so much!
Leanne Summers